Hendrix Genetics (Hypor)
President / Commercial Breeding Company
Austin is currently a geneticist with Hypor (a part of Hendrix Genetics) as well as an affiliate professor with Iowa State University.
Vice-President / Allied Industry
John is currently the Chief Commercial Officer at Minitube USA.
Associate Professor, UNL
Benny is current an Associate Professor at the University Nebraska – Lincoln (UNL). He is a swine extension specialist there.
Jyga Technologies (Gestal)
Brian is currently in Sales and Service at Jyga Technologies (Gestal).
Professor, North Carolina State University
Public Research Institution
Dr. Maltecca is a Professor at North Carolina State University. His research has included work on inbreeding, applied genomics, and more recently microbiome research.
Lush Endowed Chair, Iowa State University
Public Research Institution
Dr. Steibel is currently the Lush Endowed Chair within the Animal Science Department at Iowa State University. He has done research in PLF, social interaction models, breed composition, among many other topics.
Allflex (a Merck Company)
Allied Industry
Lauren is currently a swine specialist at Allflex Livestock Intelligence North America.
Allied Industry
Dallas is currently in sales and does research with Biotronics Inc.
Merck Animal Health
Allied Industry
Jeff currently works for Merck working on the LeeO team.
Smithfield Premium Genetics (SPG)
Commercial Producer
Richard is currently Director of Genetic Services at SPG. He is a past president of NSIF.
Fast Genetics
Commercial Breeding Company
Hannah is currently a geneticist with Fast Genetics.
Commercial Breeding Company
Rob is currently a Genetic Services Coordinator at Genus PIC.
National Swine Registry
Swine Breed Association
Doug is currently the VP of global technical service for NSR.
Ⓒ 2025 National Swine Improvement Federation